PayPal Checkout integration
PayPal is probably the best-known payment provider worldwide, and the first one PhotoDeck was integrated with.
PhotoDeck members can now use a new payment solution for their website, based on the latest PayPal Checkout solution.
The legacy integration with PayPal Website Payments Standard continues working as previously while PayPal supports it, but the new one provides two major advantages:
- It makes it easier for customers who don’t have a PayPal account. The payment page is centered around a familiar card payment form, and customers don’t necessarily have to login or create a PayPal account.
- It lets customers pay in several installments, provided PayPal allows that feature on your account for the amount to be paid.
Both can increase conversion rates, so we recommend you give this new solution a try!
To take the new integration into use, add a new PayPal payment processor under My business / E-commerce / Payments. Since the new integration works differently, its configuration is also different, but fear not, it’s easy!
Once you’ve tested it, you will probably also want to disable or delete the legacy payment processor in your account.