E-commerce: custom products

E-commerce: custom products

Today is a great day for PhotoDeck members looking to promote and sell shooting sessions, fine art prints or any other product on dedicated sales pages!

New: custom products

Until now, everything put on sales needed to be directly linked to an image, video or document. The price is defined by the pricing profile attached to that file, the product purchasable from the gallery that files is published to. While it was possible to link to the pricing from a custom page, it was a bit cumbersome.

Pricing profiles work great to easily sell vast amounts of images, but are not ideal for special products that are not images, for example services.

Custom product page
Example: dedicated page offering a photo tour that can be purchased directly online

Enter the new custom products, similar to more generic e-commerce platforms’ products. Custom products are independent from files and galleries, and make it really easy to sell photo shoots, workshops, calendars, books, anything you can offer and deliver.

Best of all, custom products automatically get their own dedicated product page, which is fully customizable in the same way as a custom page.

Custom products can be created in your PhotoDeck admin space via My Business / E-commerce / Products / Custom products. Learn more about selling services ›

New: embedding a product on a custom page

It is now also possible to embed a product into custom pages. We silently added that feature a few weeks ago for images, and today it’s been expanded to include custom products.

Images/videos are normally sold directly from their galleries and as we’ve seen above, custom products already get their own page automatically. This is therefore an additional feature, useful in special cases:

  • to display several custom products on the same page (maximum 3-5 products per page).
  • to create an additional, dedicated sales page to add more information than possible in the gallery, for example for a specific fine art print.
    Pages fine art print
    Purchase module for a fine-art print embedded into a custom page

The ability to create dedicated pages for image products is especially interesting for fine art photographers selling a limited number of featured images as prints. It can be used in addition to selling a much wider collection via galleries, but please note that we don’t recommend creating more than a couple of dozen custom sales pages!

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